A new treasurer joins WAS-H board of directors

January 22, 2021 12:06 PM | Deleted user

A brief introduction of Kathleen Cooper, who joins WAS-H board of directors as treasurer:

I was born and lived in Schenectady, NY until I was 14. At that point my family moved to Daytona Beach, Florida where my father (an engineer with GE) had been transferred to work on a contract with NASA. I attended the University of Florida for college and Law School. Upon graduation I packed a U Haul and moved to Houston, Texas (my family having since moved back to the cold North). At the time Houston was Boom Town USA, and I figured it would be an adventure. I had no job, no contacts and very little money. Only someone young would do something like that!

After some job hopping, I eventually landed at Marathon Oil Company where I worked for 22 years as Senior Tax Counsel, International. At the end of 2009 I retired for the first time. I joined WASH during my retirement hiatus. I had painted in oil and acrylics decades earlier, but I liked the idea of the portability and “life” of watercolor and the fact that you don’t need canvasses - just paper.

in July, 2012 I took a job with the IRS as a Revenue Agent examining the foreign transactions of large corporations. I retired for the second (and, I hope final) time in July 2019.

Alas, my retirement plans have been stymied by Covid 19, but hopefully we will soon be able to paint together once again!



  • January 23, 2021 9:25 AM | Pat Waughtal
    Dear Kathleen,
    So glad you are sharing your impressive skills with WAS-H. The club will be even better for your competency.
    Thank you,
    Pat Waughtal
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  • January 23, 2021 10:17 AM | Reva A. Power
    Thank you for volunteering. Having been a board member in the past I wish you well. We are so grateful to have you and your experience on our side. You will make many new friends and see so much awesome art. That alone becomes the reward.
    Again, thank you for taking this position.
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